Event Archives

Arktic Circle “Memories of the North”

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Public awareness: After several years of observations, Olivier Anrigo, environmental photographer, takes us on an expedition to Norway, Lapland, Spitzbergen… Let’s meet on these lands and oceans still little damaged by Man, now threatened by global warming, to become aware of the urgency, and bring a hopeful look on the actions to be implemented to preserve them.

| Partner organisations | Arktic-interactions

Bilingual French / English , Public

Ocean Leadership at Scale

Journeys and Stories from Leaders around the world.

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The future ocean – what will it look like? Appreciation of our global ocean today is expanding, yet also revealing diverse views around trajectories of exploration and exploitation, requiring leadership at all scales and hearing many stories. This event will highlight leadership journeys from a global community of ocean leaders, who are making a difference where they live and work, and provide an opportunity for participants to share their stories as well.

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| Partner organisations | Edinburgh Ocean Leaders Programme, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

The socio-ecological challenge and the role of Marine Protected Areas and Marine Sanctuaries as “nature-based solutions”


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Nature-based solutions can help manage human impacts and tackle climate change to preserve ecosystems, their functions and the services they provide for human well-being. This event explains how Marine Sanctuaries and MPAs contribute to the protection of marine, coastal and offshore ecosystems, on which lies de facto the future of our society, in the perspective of a “socially, economically and environmentally” sustainable development. A first panel will explain the bioecological characteristics of the Pelagos Sanctuary and the impact of anthropogenic activities (panel moderated by Costanza Favilli). A second panel will explain how this can become a socially beneficial investment (panel moderated by Nathalie Hilmi).

Join the meeting : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86858064801?pwd=RUdwZ0JPOG9GcWFWcitIUG5UaTc4UT09

Meeting ID : 868 5806 4801

Secret code : 886272

| Partner organisations | Accords Pelagos, CSM, IMF, ILO, Fondation Meri 

Bilingual French / English , Hybrid , Public


| Partner organisations | IUCN

Bilingual French / English , Private

Arktic Circle “Memories of the North”

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Public awareness: After several years of observations, Olivier Anrigo, environmental photographer, takes us on an expedition to Norway, Lapland, Spitzbergen… Let’s meet on these lands and oceans still little damaged by Man, now threatened by global warming, to become aware of the urgency, and bring a hopeful look on the actions to be implemented to preserve them.

| Partner organisations | Arktic-interactions

Bilingual French / English , Public

Plastic and Planetary Health

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This 48-hour workshop will bring together 20 international scientists to lay the groundwork for a scientific report on “Plastics and Global Health”, which aims to increase the understanding of scientists, policy makers and civil society on how the uncontrolled production of plastics and the unregulated disposal of chemically-laden plastic waste is harming the planet, fouling the oceans, damaging the ecosystems that support all life on earth, and ultimately causing human illness, disability and premature death in countries around the world.

| Partner organisations | Scientific Center of Monaco, Minderoo Foundation, Boston College, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation 

In English , Private

Valuing marine ecosystem services – The Economic Blind Spot

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L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est MOW-01-EN-1-1024x1024.jpg.
This event seeks to highlight the need to incorporate the valuation of marine ecosystem services into economic and public policy analysis, in order to improve the rationality of decision making and thus advance towards sustainable development and climate change mitigation.
In site registration form: 
Streaming registration form: 
| Partner organisations | MERI Foundation, Philantrophy Cortes Solari, Centre Sciéntifique de Monaco, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Edmond de Rothschild Bank, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Bilingual - French / Spanish , Hybrid , Public

World Plastics Summit


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The theme of this inaugural summit is: Fostering global collaboration to accelerate plastics recycling and redesign.

The plastics pollution crisis is one of the most urgent challenges of our time. While plastic pollution is a global problem, research and innovation in this area is not yet globally connected. However, the steps to ultimately tackle this problem will necessitate collaboration and perspective on a global scale.To that end, the first annual World Plastics Summit is being organized to assemble international research leaders in plastics recycling and redesign in Monaco. This meeting will be held on March 24-26 at the Novotel Monte Carlo Hotelas part of the prestigiousMonaco Ocean Week 2022.

See the programSee the press release

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est wps22-logo-1024x756.jpg.

| Partner organisations | Université de Portsmouth

Bilingual French / English , Private

Arktic Circle “Memories of the North”

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Public awareness: After several years of observations, Olivier Anrigo, environmental photographer, takes us on an expedition to Norway, Lapland, Spitzbergen… Let’s meet on these lands and oceans still little damaged by Man, now threatened by global warming, to become aware of the urgency, and bring a hopeful look on the actions to be implemented to preserve them.

| Partner organisations | Arktic-interactions

Bilingual French / English , Public

Innovation technologies for community environmental awareness raising

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L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est MOW-02-EN-3-1024x1024.jpg.

This event aims to present the benefits of technological applications for environmental awareness. The TerritoriAR App will be presented, which has educational and civic benefits, linked to the knowledge of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, essential to a public policy of sustainability.

In site registration: 
Streaming registration form: 

| Partner organisations | MERI Foundation, Philantrophy Cortes Solari, Centre Sciéntifique de Monaco, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Edmond de Rothschild Bank, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Bilingual - French / Spanish , Hybrid , Public

Argo Steering Team Meeting, AST-23


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This is the 23rd annual meeting of the International Argo Steering Team, with representatives of the 30 countries that contribute to the Program, and our commercial partners. The status and future plans for the new OneArgo will be reviewed, covering its 3 missions of Core, Bio-geochemical and Deep (full ocean depth).

| Partner organisations | IHO, Argo primary hosts

Bilingual French / English , Private

Nature-based solutions to climate change in the Mediterranean basin


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The Mediterranean basin is at the crossroads of the fight against biodiversity erosion, adaptation to climate change and development of societies. This event proposes to illustrate, through the interventions of specialists and testimonies of field actors, how Nature-based Solutions can provide concrete and sustainable answers to these challenges.

See the programSee the press release (in french)

| Partner organisations | Comité français de l’UICN, Centre de coopération pour la Méditerranée de l’UICN, la Tour du Valat, Plateforme Ocean et Climat

Seaweed Day

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The Seaweed Day will cast light on one of the most promising regenerative ocean industry: seaweed. The event will propose a series of presentations by world-class experts discussing the potential of seaweed, its ecosystem services – with a focus on blue carbon and biodiversity, and the growing momentum around seaweed in Europe and Australia. The event will also feature numerous presentations from seaweed companies developing innovative products like bio-packaging, plant-based seafood or animal feed. Many seaweed products will be displayed in the event so the public can “touch” the diversity of applications of seaweed.

See the program


| Partner organisations | Seaweed for Europe, UN Global Compact, Lloyds register Foundation, Oceans 2050

Bilingual French / English , Public

Oceans: technological innovation at the service of nature-based solutions and marine ecosystem services


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This event seeks to discuss the role of cetaceans as nature-based solutions and the need to incorporate innovative technology to reduce anthropogenic threats and allow the oceans to fulfil their role as a mitigator of climate change.

In site registration form: https://bit.ly/37ajm1A
Streaming registration form: 

| Partner organisations | MERI Foundation, Philanthropy Cortes Solari, Centre Sciéntifique de Monaco, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Laboratory of Bioacoustic Applications of the Universitat Politècnica de Cataluny

Bilingual - French / Spanish , Hybrid , Public