Page 5 - Livre_MOW_EN
P. 5

nowing and preserving marine ecosystems has been an integral part of the
                                                   Principality of Monaco’s history since the end of the 19  century. My great-great
                                                   grandfather, Prince Albert I, a passionate explorer and demanding scientist,
                                                   led numerous marine explorations and was one of the founders of modern
                                          Koceanography. He created the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and the Institute
                                           of Oceanography in Paris and supported the creation of the Monaco International Hydrographic
                                           Organization in 1921. This commitment to oceans has continued throughout the twentieth
                                           century - a perfect example being when France, Monaco and Italy signed the RAMOGE
                    PRE                    of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982.
                                           Agreement in 1976. The Principality of Monaco was one of the very first signatory States

                                           When my Foundation was created in June 2006, we immediately adopted solid commitments
                                           such as the 2008 call to stop bluefin tuna consumption (which, at the time was in danger of
                    FACE                   becoming extinct) and the 2009 Monaco declaration on ocean acidification in cooperation
                                           with 150 scientists from 26 countries. We also launched the Monaco Blue Initiative (MBI)
                                           in 2010: a thinktank where members deal with current and future global ocean management
                                           and conservation challenges.

                                           Lastly, from 30 March to 4 April 2017, local and international experts, the scientific community,
                                           the voluntary sector and public authorities attended the Monaco Ocean Week to discuss the
                                           future of our oceans. A summary of the week is available in this report. The 2017-2020 Monaco
                                           Explorations campaign was also announced during the event. One hundred and twenty years
                                           later, tens of researchers will retrace my great-great grandfather’s footsteps on board a floating
                                           research laboratory, the Yersin.

                                           The Monaco Ocean Week is born out of the obvious need for major marine actors to share
                                           their analysis and vision of key marine conservation issues and take action for ocean
                                           preservation. Throughout the week, many initiatives were presented and key commitments
                                           sealed, such as the Pelagos Sanctuary Headquarters Agreement; funding from the BeMed
                                           call for micro-initiatives of selected projects fighting against plastic pollution ; and broadening
                                           the support of the Association of Sustainable Financing of Marine Protected Areas to Southern
                                           countries by developing contributions from public, private and multilateral sponsors.

                                           The Monaco Manifesto for the Ocean was published for the event with the aim of alerting
                                           States, NGOs, international bodies, businesses and scientists on the need to unite their
                                           energies to preserve the ocean and all marine ecosystems. I signed the Manifesto with French
                                           and Italian ministers, Mrs. Ségolène Royal and Mr. Gian Luca Galletti, together with one
                                           hundred participants. The Manifesto urges all concerned actors to continue and coordinate
                                           their efforts to create a new synergy between humans and the ocean so that our future, and
                                           that of the generations to come, is preserved.

                                           I hope you enjoy this report.

                                                                                       H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
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