Page 5 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 5

onaco and the Ocean have shared a common history for many years.
                                                      This has especially been the case since the end of the 19th century, when my
                                                      great-great-grandfather, Prince Albert I - a passionate explorer and keen scientist
                                                      - led various marine explorations, establishing himself as one of the founders of
                                          Mmodern oceanography.

                                           The Principality’s commitment to the oceans continued throughout the 20  century, including
                                           the signing of the RAMOGE Agreement in 1976 by France, Monaco and Italy in order to protect
                                           Mediterranean coastal waters, then in 1982, with the United Nations Convention on the Law of
                    PRE                    the Sea.

                                           Since the creation of my Foundation in 2006, Monaco has made significant commitments.
                                           This has included a ban on Mediterranean bluefin tuna, a species which was at risk of extinction
                                           in 2008, and the ocean acidification declaration, supported by 150 scientists in 26 countries.
                    FACE                   In 2010, the Foundation also created the Monaco Blue Initiative (MBI), a forum for discussion
                                           and reflection on ocean conservation. We have also created an environmental fund dedicated
                                           to Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, and supported the BeMed initiative to combat
                                           plastic pollution. During COP21 in Paris, we supported the “Because the Ocean” declaration,
                                           underlining the essential role of the Ocean in climate regulation. This declaration has now been
                                           signed by 33 countries.
                                           The idea of a week of workshops, debates and actions dedicated to the Ocean was a response
                                           to a clear requirement: key actors from the ocean sector must share their analysis on major
                                           ocean conservation issues and work together to protect the Ocean.

                                           From 8 to 14 April 2018, local and international experts, the scientific community, NGOs and
                                           public authorities met during the second edition of the Monaco Ocean Week. During this week
                                           of work, Monaco announced its co-chairing of the ICRI (International Coral Reef Initiative) with
                                           Australia and Indonesia from July 2018.

                                           There are many threats to our ecosystems. These threats create salutary awareness. Sharing
                                           experience, debating and calling for commitment and action were the main objectives of the
                                           Monaco Ocean Week, this year more than ever.

                                                                                         H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
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